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Specialist programs

Find out about the specialist programs our school offers.

Italian program

Learning a language:  

  • helps students gain a broader cultural perspective  
  • opens up career pathways 
  • promotes social cohesion and cross-cultural understanding. 

At Mil Lel the students participate in Italian lessons twice per week with a specialist teacher.

Knowing Italian is useful for many future areas of study including history, literature, music, art, business, economics and politics. Most of the world’s cultural heritage sites are in Italy. Immersion in a foreign culture opens up whole new avenues of self-exploration and personal growth.

Sports program

Students can develop team play and team building skills through our specialist sports program. The program is run by a specialist teacher and volunteer parent coaches.

Our sports program includes: 

  • SAPSASA events 
  • team sports such as T-Ball, Aussie Rules, Soccer and Netball
  • Sports Day and District School Sports Day
  • swimming lessons at the Wulanda Centre.